How To Attract Investors To Your Venture?

CS Abhishek Kumar
4 min readAug 27, 2021


An entrepreneur builds several relationships over the course of his venture. But none of them would be as important as the one with their investors. It is necessary that one does market research before approaching the right investor. Business founders look for the right connections. They hunt for people willing to invest in their venture.

Founding Prerequisite

As a founder it’s essential you figure the amount of money that needs to be raised till the IPO or whatever exit plan they are prepared to make. Visualize in how many rounds will you acquire the funding. Two or three rounds should be preferred as maximum as each round has its own dilution. You have to make sure at any point of the day, they have funds [inclusive of founder’s fund, if any] that would be adequate for a minimum of 2 years. Allow 6+ months for negotiations for each round. Legal agreements take a long time to consummate. The discussions for the next round must begin when you still have at least 12 months of cash.

The Impression

The Risk-Taker

While most investors need and appreciate enthusiastic business visionaries, they are likewise searching for somebody willing to put away their own cash. You can do this from your own investment funds, borrowings, family, companions, and so on. You should show you put stock in administration enough to put away your own cash. You should get the business going all alone.

Predefined Strategies

Investors need to see a strong, thoroughly examined, persuading, and complete field-tested strategy. They need to realize they you’re not taking a blind leap of faith, not excessively hopeful. They need to realize that you have a dream for your business and have arrangements for how to accomplish your objectives. In the strategy, they will need to see things like monetary projections, definite showcasing plans, and points of interest about your market. Keep in mind, Investors are putting more cash in fewer arrangements. Assuming you need to catch a bit of that cash, you need to have an unshakable field-tested strategy.

Product Value

Assuming you need to draw in Investors, it’s significant that you have a setup product that addresses the issues of the market. Your item might settle your most noteworthy trouble spot, however on the off chance that it doesn’t scratch the tingle of the market, you will be stuck between a rock and a hard place. Your product must differ from the existing market.

Seize the Moment

Investors need to see something other than a good thought. They need an incredible pitch deck. They need to see that you’ve really got some footing behind your thought. They hear many pitches each year, and not many of these tests get past the thought stage. Quite possibly the best approach to get subsidizing is to show that you’ve effectively got huge energy.

Things like structure an item with bootstrapped assets, marking early clients, or employing key ability. This highlights the way that you’re both enthusiastic and clever and you’re focused on making your dream a reality. The further you can get all alone, without financial backers, the almost certain it is the investors will have confidence in you.

Market Asset

Investors have assets of different sizes and you need to discover Investors who match the size of your desires. An enormous VC firm that requires to produce huge returns will not put resources into modest numbers in your organization. On the other side, in case you’re hoping to develop for a huge scope, you would prefer not to pitch an investor who will contribute truly less.

Freedom from Worry

Investors have essential monetary inquiries concerning projects:

How much do I have to contribute? When do I need to contribute? What amount will I get back? When will I get it?

All of these inquiries can be replied to by a thorough monetary projection. It is suggested that a particular model be ready with month-to-month level detail, as this considers month-to-month cash deficiencies to be distinguished. Investors need to know when they will start to see a return and how huge a return they can anticipate. Counting a capital planning examination and a full ROI investigation will address these worries. It’s undeniably prolific to acquire accepted specialists who can help with working out a monetary model and give best practices to the establishing group.



CS Abhishek Kumar

Founder at Venture Care | Strategist | Growth & Fundraising Consultant | Serial Entrepreneur | New Venture Developer